An embryo of the existence of Hindu Dharma Institute of Denpasar, on the struggle of the Director General of Hindu and Buddhist Bimas both during the leadership of Mr. Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Putra, and Mr. I Ketut Pasek, fully supported by the Governor of Bali and related officials at the central and regional levels, the government cq Minister of Religious Affairs issued a Decree no. 58 B dated May 25, 1993, concerning the Establishment of the Hindu Religious Teacher Education Academy (APGAHN) Denpasar, which was inaugurated by Dr. dr. Tarmisi Taher. For the first time, APGAHN Denpasar opened Diploma 2 Program (D.2) and Diploma 3 (D.3) Department of Religious Education Hindu. The establishment of APGAHN Denpasar has many obstacles due to various limitations.

To overcome these obstacles, efforts to improve and improve continuously strived, both concerning improvements in teaching and learning support facilities as well as other education components. The first task of the Director of APGAHN Negeri Denpasar at that time was to recruit teachers and administrative personnel who were taken from former religious teachers and employees PGAHN Denpasar which has been transferred to the Regional Office Official of the Department of Religious Affairs of Bali.

On December 9, 1994, there was a change of director from Drs. I Gede Sura to Drs. I Nyoman Warjana. Despite the change of officer director, but the policies and programs that have been proclaimed continue to be followed by the second Director, especially regarding ordinary and outstanding lecturers procurement and proposed the presence of permanent lecturers, strengthening the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, development of physical facilities and so forth.

On June 21, 1996, Mr. Drs. I Nyoman Warjana was replaced by Drs. I Gusti Made Ngurah as the third Director. Mr. Drs. I Gusti Made Ngurah continue the task of Director APGAHN Denpasar by making various breakthroughs to advance APGAHN Denpasar. One of them is proposing to increase the status of APGAHN Denpasar to Hindu State High School Denpasar, whose struggle has started since September 20, 1996. The struggle seems to get full support from former Minister of BKKBN and Population (Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Oka) , Director General of Hindu and Buddhist Bimas (Major Ir I Wayan Gunawan), Bali Governor (Drs I Dewa Made Beratha), Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Central Board and relevant officials at Central and Regional level and Hindu NGO. On various efforts that were done, then on March 3, 1999, out of Presidential Decree No. 20 of 1999 on the establishment of Hindu State School of Denpasar Affairs signed by the President (Prof .. Dr. BJ Habibie). In the Presidential Decree of the Hindu State School of Denpasar, Denpasar is allowed to open four majors, namely: Hindu Religion Department, Hindu Religion, Hindu Law and Hindu Religious Philosophy. On April 10, 1999, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Denpasar inaugurated by the Minister Religion Prof. Drs. Malik Fajar, M.Sc. In the Presidential Decree of the Hindu High School of Denpasar Affairs is allowed to open four majors, namely: Hindu Religious Education, Hindu Religion, Hindu Law and Hindu Religious Philosophy. On April 10, 1999, Hindu State High School Denpasar inaugurated by the Minister Religion Prof. Drs. Malik Fajar, M.Sc. In the Presidential Decree of the Hindu High School of Denpasar Affairs is allowed to open four majors, namely: Hindu Religious Education, Hindu Religion, Hindu Law and Hindu Religious Philosophy. On April 10, 1999, Hindu State High School Denpasar inaugurated by the Minister Religion Prof. Drs. Malik Fajar, M.Sc.

Hindu High School at that time also manage the Master Program with Brahma Widya concentration (the year 2001-2002) and Study Program Dharma Acarya / Hindu Religious Education, the first manager of PPs STAHN Denpasar is Mr. Prof. Dr. Dewa Komang Tantra, M.Sc (as Chairman of PPs STAHN Denpasar) and Drs. Made Redana, M.Si (as Secretary of PPs STAHN Denpasar), and both concurrently as Chairman and Secretary Prodi Brahmawidya (Hindu Theology). PPS manager for the first time encountered many obstacles, primarily related to internal and external campus support, so often the implementation of TUPOKSI PPs facing material and nonmaterial challenges.

Although the various challenges and constraints facing stakeholders are committed to building the vision of the future Graduate Program, as a crystallization of commitment and responsibility towards improving the academic and professional quality of teachers and lecturers, which is commensurate with the demands and characteristics of the globalization era.

Efforts to increase institutions continue to be done, then on November 8, 2004, issued Presidential Regulation No. 1 of 2004 on the Change STAHN Denpasar to the Hindu Dharma Institute of Denpasar, and then inaugurated on March 23, 2005, in Bangli by the Minister of Religious Affairs (Mr. HM Basyuni).